Resources for Students

Celebrate Econ Ed Month with this curated list of games and videos!


Supply and Demand Game

In this economics game, students will play through a board game learning about supply and demand.

Cards Against Calamity

Take on the role of mayor of a small coastal town. You must balance the needs of various stakeholder groups.

Fiscal ship game

In this game, students will evaluate fiscal policy objectives to learn the challenges of sustainable national budget formation.

Headlines and High Water

A choose-your-adventure style game that will allow you apply economic thinking to dramatic events that unfold in a fictional town.

The Plastic Pipeline

Learn about the plastic product lifecycle and policies that can improve the process.

Cast Your Vote

Experience an electoral process and discover what it takes to become an informed voter.


Human Capital

This video explains the concept of human capital and how enhancing our skills, knowledge, and experience may improve our performance, productivity, and overall value in the workplace.


This video teaches the concept of scarcity. The total resources of society, including natural resources, human resources, capital goods and entrepreneurship, are limited, causing scarcity to exist.

Benefits of Trade

This video teaches the concepts of Benefits of Trade and Comparative Advantage. Comparative advantage is the principle which holds that world output is higher if every country produces and trades the good in which it has a comparative advantage.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

This video teaches the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country, usually measured over a year.


This video teaches the concept of productivity. Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, factory, system, etc. in converting inputs into useful outputs.

Opportunity Cost

This video teaches the concept of Opportunity Cost. Opportunity cost is what you must give up to obtain something else, the second-best alternative.

Want a fun way to learn economics after October?

Join the National Economics Challenge!